October 16th 2024
"Author Kate Freuler Joins me to talk about her new book Magic at the Crossroads: The Devil in Modern Witchcraft. We discuss the intersection of witchcraft and the devil, the impact of cultural myths and how writing can be therapeutic. We also go deep on the complexities of modern witchcraft, societal misconceptions and cultural panics."
August 12th 2024
"Kate explains the historical and modern perceptions of women, witchcraft and Satanism. We learn why women were historically linked to the devil during witch trials and the puritanical mindset that demonized natural human desires and knowledge. Kate also speaks to the importance of self-care and enjoyment of life, challenging the negative moral coding of indulgence and pleasure."
August 19th 2024
"The words "devil" and "Satan" are loaded. For many, they bring to mind a giant monster with horns, stomping around the flames of hell wielding a pitchfork. For some, the words invoke genuinely terrifying images of blood sacrifice and murder. Some view the devil as nothing more than a fictional fairy tale character while others believe he is an energetic force in nature. In addition to all of this, unlike other religious figures, he shows up in pop culture, marketing, and politics. Across the scope of his reputation, there are many misconceptions but also some surprising truths."